Ryan Braun’s Graffito In Milwaukee…

Despite this post being rather late in coming since the Brewers in the playoffs was some time ago (hey, we’ve been busy making a documentary here), it’s well worth noting Ryan Braun’s “Graffito” restaurant in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward for it being both cool and classy.  We went there to watch the Brewers during the playoffs and, as it turns out, got a good deal on pizza and beer during the game as they always have Brewers game specials.  Not only that, the pizza was damn good and the place was packed with Brewers fans (though you might not notice that from the photos since we took those after everyone had cleared out).  When in Milwaukee, this is a must for checking out cool places to eat and watch a Brewers game, and don’t forget to check out the mural and Ryan Braun sports memorabilia that is all over the restaurant.

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